a window into their family...a lifestyle session
Thank you for letting me be your historian this day.
a window into their family...a lifestyle sessionThis is family. This is what it feels like to be a part of this family. They are beautiful, loving, and happy...oh so very happy. You can feel it the moment you walk in the door. Lifestyle in-home sessions hold such a special place in my heart. This is where I truly get to be a storyteller. I get to capture what it feels like and looks like to be part of their family...in this moment in time. Because let's face it, the moments go by so quickly...and the everyday moments are what want to remember. You'll remember your trip to the Beach or your holiday traditions...but to remember the everyday...that is something completely special. What did it feel like to squeeze together in her bed each night reading books or play My Little Pony on the living room floor...what did it feel like to watch her dance on her stage or tickles and coffee and babies in diapers in their mama's arms? Take a look at these images, and you will know.
Thank you for letting me be your historian this day.
She is a mama...and in this role she shinesShe learned from the best...her mother has loved and cared for little ones for years...but when it is your own daughter/granddaughter, it's magic. It's a beautiful thing to be witness to that love...3 generations strong. You are beautiful Sarah...and that baby girl is lucky to have you as her mama. Maternity SessionCleveland Lifestyle Newborn Photographer || Broadview Heights, OhioOh my word. Tiny fingers and toes. Every square inch of her little self is simply perfection. My boys are no longer this tiny and sometimes I forget...until I step in the door of a newborn house and see that tiny person in her parents loving arms. This is why I do this. She will grow...everyday stronger, everyday taller than the last. I want to preserve how it feels for them to be her parents, in this moment, when she is tiny. I want them to remember her small curled fingers and the way she looks in their arms. Welcome to the world baby A. There is no doubt that you are perfectly, quietly, completely loved. Broadview Heights, Ohio
oozing with loveI fell in love with this family just watching how in love they are with each other. There were hugs, snuggles, kisses, books, laughter...they were exactly themselves from the minute I stepped into their beautiful home, to the minute I popped back out. Big brother was a ball of beautiful boy energy and his baby brother...taking in his every move and sweet as pie is the perfect addition to their family. Welcome baby T. You are truly loved and adored. Cleveland Newborn Photographer
She is so special to me....my bestie's baby girl. Look at those eyes. How I love the depth you can see in them. She made us work for her smiles, but I really think that look, when she is still and quite serious...that's the one that gets me. It's like a whole world is going on in there and she is keeping it all to herself. Isn't she so absolutely beautiful. Happy 2nd birthday baby girl. Child Lifestyle Photographer | Sagamore Hills, Ohio
Newborn Lifestyle Photographer || Cleveland, OhioSometimes I just can't put into words how much I love what I do. I get to peek into the lives of these beautiful people and document who they are at that moment in time. I truly adore the { L Family }. I feel so absolutely honored that they have chosen me to photograph their growing family. From the birth of their baby girl to the newest addition...their precious son. The { L Family } Photo Session Baby Girl's Newborn Session Cleveland Newborn Lifestyle Photographer
And then there were 3...I thought it was the perfect idea when her aunt contacted me...she and a couple family members wanted to give them a photo session for their baby shower gift! What a unique (and super) gift...and this little family could not have been more beautiful. It was so easy to see how they have fallen in love with their little beauty and cherish every moment with her. Thank you for letting me capture such a beautiful sweetie and the love of this family.
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November 2023